Digital Travel Credential pilot

Your flight to Amsterdam is an exceptional one. KLM is part of a pilot with the Dutch government and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. This pilot enables us to test biometric border control and biometric boarding. You'll benefit from a smoother, faster travel experience if you join the pilot. Enjoy your flight to Amsterdam!

What are we testing?

During this pilot, we’re testing the so-called Digital Travel Credential (DTC). A DTC represents your identity and can temporarily replace your conventional passport. This new standard is developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). They created 3 different DTC types. In this pilot, we’re testing DTC type 1. You’ll still need to carry your physical travel document during your trip. However, presenting it to an agent before boarding or border crossing is unnecessary.

There are 2 different forms of this pilot: biometric border control and biometric boarding.

Am I eligible for this pilot?

Do you want to join? You’re more than welcome. There are 3 requirements:

  • you’re aged 18 or over;
  • you’re flying from a Canadian airport to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport between 8 January 2024 and the end of March 2024;
  • you have a Dutch, Canadian or Belgian passport. Note, though: you can only participate in biometric boarding in Montréal if you have a Canadian or Belgian passport, or a Dutch passport issued on or after 1 September 2021.

At this point in our road to digitalisation, passengers with other passports cannot join. Please note that you need to have a so-called e-passport. Have you ever noticed that small logo on the front of your passport? That logo is the international biometric symbol, which means you have a passport fitted with a chip.

Passport details

Please log in to My Trip and add your passport details before signing up for the pilot. Otherwise, you'll receive an error and cannot participate.

How can I join?

Participating is voluntary. If you’re eligible, you can join the pilot by creating your own Digital Travel Credential in the app.

I’d like to know more about this pilot

Are you looking for more information? We've gathered the most asked questions and answered them for you.

Privacy policy

In our privacy policy, we describe how we process your personal data. We also describe your rights and the parties that are involved in the pilot.

Read the Digital Travel Credential privacy policy

Please note: regarding biometric border control, we partner with the Dutch government. We bring this pilot to your attention and invite you to join, but we are not responsible for executing this part of the pilot.